Tuesday 13 January 2015

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favourite humans and the best day ever

October 27th was honestly one of the bestest days of my life. In case you haven't guessed, it was the day I went to Amity Fest Liverpool.

I didn't have VIP tickets or anything, as my decision to go, in the end, was quite spontaneous. However, it was still an amazing experience. There's something awesome about being in the room with not only the humans I've been watching on my laptop since 2012, but hundreds of other people like me. 
People who crave Sunday evenings. People who have district lines bookmarked on their computer. People whose twitter names have "sugg" and "oakley" and "marcus" splattered across them. People whose hands were shaking as Troye's album downloaded from iTunes. People from "team internet." People who, like me queued for 6 hours for closer glimpse of the people on our computer screen. People who chanted "Happy Little Pill" along with me in said queue.

And of course. Zoe Sugg was in the room. Louise Pentland. Tanya Burr. Alfie Deyes. Marcus Butler. Jim Chapman. Niomi Smart. Joe Sugg. Caspar Lee. 

I just could not fathom that the people in front of me were real people. So naturally I whipped out my phone and snapped some pics.



Lucky Zoe! ;)

Banter of Glitter


Yes- she's smiling at my camera :O

They are even more beaut in person - trust me

bloody hell the beauts

Marcy Butt Butt on the TRACK

hello my name is Caspar Lee (yes he's making a cute joke with the audience *swoons*)

damn, he's hawt

fix that hair

the mirror image of my face the entire night x

me & the girls after about 4 hours of queuing 
And those are all my favourite pictures of one of my favourite nights.
I honestly can't wait to go to another event like this. Hopefully Tyler will bring his tour to Liverpool, and that will be even more amazing because this time VIP tickets are on the MENU!

first ever blog post <3

Imogen x