Saturday 12 December 2015

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I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker, With Flowers In My Hair

Oh yes, very original, Imogen. Oh what a shame, you feel like you were born in the wrong generation. Boo fucking hoo. 

I mean today's post isn't totally about being born in the wrong generation. It's mainly about how much I bleddy love the 1980s. Like I can't get enough of the clothes and hair, but most importantly, the movies. Sorry to sound completely pretentious and well, duh, but they just don't make movies like that anymore. I mean, blockbusters are nice and all, but I really really could do without an Avengers 9, and Batman Vs Superman-  Really? Really? I just would rather a John Hughes film or When Harry Met Sally than sit through another fucking romcom with another Manic Pixie Dream Girl from hell. And yes, this is essentially a direct quote from the book Life Moves Pretty Fast by Hadley Freeman. Read that yesterday, didn't I, during one of my revision sessions. 
The book is essentially an ode to 80s films, and I feel like Hadley might just be me in about 15 years time. Seriously. In the Ferris Beuller chapter I just couldn't help but think how me it all was. I mean I've held the theory that Ferris is the cool version of Duckie (Pretty in Pink) literally since I saw those films. 
I would just like to thank my parents for never leaving the 80s, or I would never have been treated to all of these films. Gawd I love them. 
I just watched Ghostbusters, dang that is also such a good movie. GAWWWD! 

Such an uninteresting post, sorry kids, I just had a very non-day and would rather be writing a blog post than attempting to learn my spanish speaking (I will never call it my spanish oral, never.) 

Thanks kids. See ya  next time I decide I don't want to do my homework.



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