Friday 11 December 2015

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Guess who's back back back, back again gain gain... etc etc etc.

So I was just writing a rather extensive description for a YouTube video, when I realised that what I probably should be doing is writing a blog. 
I really love writing. Like I love writing. I can't remember at time before I was writing little stories, I really can't. My earliest memories are either of vomit (literally the birth of a life-long phobia), writing or my 5 year old nose in a Harry Potter book. No lies, I remember waiting for my mother to leave the room before I was reading The Prisoner of Azkaban under the covers, in the dark. My poor eyes. 
And so I wanted to be an author, or a journalist, or obviously, a farmers wife. Let's not discuss the internalized sexism. Why could I not have wanted to be an actual farmer. The mind truly boggles.

In around October I decided I wanted to start myself a diary, which suprisingly I kept up for about a month, before, due to mocks it completely fizzled out. I want to get back on that journalling bandwagon at some point, I loved my chilled out diary sessions. I literally spent an hour some nights just documenting my day. 

And then there was my YouTube thang, which just a quick FYI, I'm doing an *attempt* at #VLOGMAS2K15. I am practically Zoe Sugg. But yanno, without the 8 million subscribers. I have 29. I love my 29 subscribers though, even the ones I know IRL that I *ask* to watch my videos. HI FRIENDS! I mainly do the video thing, because I like the way videos look, the swish montages with shots of the sky, flashing along to that vibey music that is 1000% copyright. I mean, the options for royalty-free music are SO limited, help. No ukuleles, please. 
I just like creating things. Like my Instagram, which just an FYI, I love. I love taking pictures, editing pictures, having a theme, stalking other peoples themes, stalking my own theme. I just love it and I also love the C4 filter on VSCO. Thanks, VSCO, you make my pictures look like I didn't just whip out my iPhone and take a pic of the sky. I mainly love looking back at all the memories and the *sometimes* candid photos of me and my friends. I just love it all. 

Finally, on my list of "Why Imogen Should Start a Blog" is the wonderful blogs that I am absolutely loving at the moment, and the whole fashion blog world. I just want a lil space to be like look at my clothes pls. As much as I love taking *candid* photos and writing extensively about myself, I bloody love clothes. Like, most of the time I'm either thinking about my mom jeans or my Insta theme. No lies detected. Fashion is such an expensive hobby, though, and it would make me feel better about it if I could be like - yeah but it's for my blog, I'm a #blogger. #fbloggers. Also Hannah Gale is great and basically me, I mean, in about 10 years time. Love that woman, what a babe. Also obv I'm not her target market, or whatever, but I don't actually care, yanno. 

SO Welcome to my Blog. The blog I will probably continue for about 6 days, until I get bored, or more likely, actually forget I ever made a blog. I mean it is about half past midnight right now, so I wouldn't really be suprised. 

SEE YA- Imogen 

(also how feckin cute is my new blog name, I basically stole it from my instagram name. Which, incidentally, I would like to thank my lovely friend Leila for the idea, thanks my tall friend)


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